what is a compounding cleanroom?

Under USP 797 regulation compounding pharmacies are required to compound sterile preparations (CSPs) utilizing a laminar flow workstation within a clean room. Sterile compounding is classified into 3 risk groups: Low Risk, Medium Risk, and High Risk. Pharmaceutical...
Cleanroom Gowning Best Practices

Cleanroom Gowning Best Practices

Proper cleanroom garments for cleanroom gowning are designed to trap and prevent human contaminants, such as those generated by the skin and body, or carried in on their own cleanroom garments, from entering the clean environment. The procedures for cleanroom gowning vary somewhat by industry, but in general, they follow a procedure of “donning” (putting on sterile cleanroom garments) prior to entering, and “doffing” or “de-gowning” (removing special cleanroom garments after exiting), similar to the following:

What Cleanroom Classification do I need?

About Cleanroom Classifications FS209E and ISO Cleanroom Standards Prior to the International Standards Organization (ISO)adopting cleanroom classifications and standards, the U.S. General Service Administration’s standards (known as FS209E) were commonly applied....

Laminar Flow Benches

Vertical Laminar Flow Benches can be used for many different applications that require a controlled, clean environment at the table top level. These Benches are free standing and self contained with table top work surfaces. Vertical Laminar Flow Benches can be used in...

What is a Softwall Cleanroom?

Modular Softwall Cleanrooms are designed to provide clean environments from Class 100,000 to Class 10 (ISO Standards Class 3 thru Class 8). Most softwall cleanroom systems are supported by a frame made of structured steel that supports the Ceiling Grid and Clear Vinyl...

What is a Hardwall Cleanroom?

What is a Hardwall Cleanroom? Hardwall Cleanrooms are designed to provide a clean, Environmentally Controlled Environment. Clean levels are available from Class 100,000 to Class 1 (ISO Standards Class 1 thru Class 8), with Temperature and/or Humidity control. The...