by The World Nano Foundation
The World Nano Foundation and pandemic experts say regular use of inexpensive lateral flow rapid antigen mass testing kits is the way to beat COVID-19, its variants and future viruses.
by ASU
The new ASU Nanotechnology Facility is open to students, faculty and staff researchers, as well as government, and industrial partners, the ASU Nanotechnology Facility offers a comprehensive set of tools to develop new micro and nanoscale devices, such as integrated circuits, nanophotonic and solid state devices, micro-electromechanical systems, and microfluidic systems, among others. The NanoFabrication Facility also offers students and researchers some of the most advanced instruments for fabrication and characterization of materials at the micro and nanoscales.
by University of Chicago
The Pritzker Foundation provided a generous a $15 million gift to develop the 10,000 square foot large nanofacility for the University of Chicago. The National Science Foundation provided an additional $5 million to establish the Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental Resource, a partnership between UChicago and Northwestern University.
by Cleanroom Connect Editor
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Nanotechnology in medicine involves applications of nanoparticles currently under development, as well as longer range research that involves the use of manufactured nano-robots to make repairs at the cellular level (sometimes referred to as nanomedicine).