Pharmaceutical Cleanroom News

Get the latest pharmaceutical cleanroom news and updates below. Cleanroom Connect brings you the latest news from around the world, featuring current topics and news in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industries.

VetStem Biopharma Secures FDA Approval of First Human IND

VetStem Biopharma Secures FDA Approval of First Human IND

VetStem Biopharma, a veterinary and human regenerative medicine CRO, used its extensive experience, FDA master files, and database of veterinary stem cell therapy to secure FDA approval of a human IND for stem cell therapy in patients with osteoarthritis. VetStem made the application to FDA on behalf of its subsidiary, Personalized Stem Cells, Inc.

Romaco China gains a new processing laboratory

Romaco China gains a new processing laboratory

More than 500 invited guests and customers of Romaco China and Truking recently attended the official opening of the new “Romaco China Solids Process Centre”. This high-tech laboratory on the Truking campus in Changsha is equipped with Innojet and Kilian machines.

New Stem Cell Gene Therapy Facility

New Stem Cell Gene Therapy Facility

Stem Cell Medicine Ltd. (SCM), a biotechnology company developing new therapies for neurological indications and rare diseases through gene therapy, cell therapy, exosomes, novel molecules and combinations with existing pharmaceuticals, announced today that it has received funding from the Israeli Ministry of the Economy to build a gene therapy facility.

Pharmaceutical News

Pharmaceutical Cleanroom News and Advancements

The Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Industry or medicine industry is the commercial industry that discovers, develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals for various uses and formations of medicines and medications. The pharmaceutical cleanroom industry produces the controlled aseptic cleanroom environments where by the pharmaceutical products are created and packaged. Pharmaceutical companies create a various array of products for different applications.

The primary developments of Pharmaceutical companies are generic medications, branded pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The pharmaceutical companies are subject to a variety of laws and regulations that govern the patenting, testing, safety, efficacy and marketing of drugs. Cleanroom Connect provides the latest Pharmaceutical Cleanroom News from various pharmaceutical and biopharma industries. Subscribe today to receive pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical news and updates directly to your mailbox.

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The Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Industry is a booming industry, and production has been growing exponentially over the past few decades as innovations in the medical field have taken off. This increasing production has also led to increasing demands for safety features installed in industrial pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and storage areas. These safety procedures ensure the health of employees as well as the safe preservation of products that are stored for later use by consumers.