Food and Beverage Cleanroom News

Get the latest Food and Beverage Cleanroom News and updates below. Cleanroom Connect brings you the latest Food and Beverage Cleanroom News from around the world, featuring current topics and news in the Food and Beverage industries.

Precision Cleanrooms New York City Office Grand Opening

Precision Cleanrooms New York City Office Grand Opening

As New York City begins its early phases of reopening since the onset of the pandemic, cleanroom design and construction services firm Precision Cleanrooms makes its claim in the Big Apple with its first New York City office in the company’s 32-year history. Located in Union Square at 41 East 11th Street, Precision Cleanrooms’ New York office will serve customers in greater New York and the extended Northeastern United States, providing turnkey cleanroom solutions and services for many industries including: pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and microelectronics industries.

Cold Creek Solutions, Announces A New State-of-the-art 305,000 SF Cold Storage Building In The Heart Of San Antonio’s Industrial Complex

Cold Creek Solutions, Announces A New State-of-the-art 305,000 SF Cold Storage Building In The Heart Of San Antonio’s Industrial Complex

Dallas-Fort Worth-based developer Cold Creek Solutions (“CCS”) has announced a second project in the state of Texas in San Antonio. The roughly 305,000 SF facility will provide storage for 45,000 pallets of frozen or refrigerated products upon completion. Unlike existing vintage facilities and other new builds in the region, this new project, designed by ARCO National Construction, will allow for a large-scale or multi-operator build-out with tremendous efficiencies.

Food and Beverage Cleanroom News

Food and Beverage Cleanroom News and Advancements

The Food and Beverage Cleanroom Industry supports the environmental cleanroom and controlled environmental systems for the food and beverage industries. The food and beverage industry is often times described in two major segments. The Food and Beverage Cleanroom News segments are production and distribution of edible goods.

Food and Beverage Cleanroom News – Production

Food and beverage production includes the processing of meat, cheese, milk, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, packaged goods and other modified foods. The food and beverage production segment excludes foods that were directly produced on farms and other forms of agriculture.

Food and Beverage Cleanroom News – Distribution

The food and beverage distribution segment includes the transportation of finished food products into the customer’s possession.

Cleanroom Connect provides the latest Food and Beverage Cleanroom News from various food and beverage industries. Subscribe today to receive Food and Beverage Cleanroom News and updates directly to your mailbox.

Keywords: Food and Beverage, Food Production, Beverage Production, Food and Beverage Cleanrooms, Dairy Production, Meat Processing Industry, CPG, Consumer Packaged Goods, Modified Foods, Genetically Modified Foods, GMOs