Precision Coating, a leading medical coatings service provider to interventional, orthopedic, and advanced surgical markets, is pleased to announce a merger with N2 Biomedical, a Bedford, MA-based company.

Precision Coating, a leading medical coatings service provider to interventional, orthopedic, and advanced surgical markets, is pleased to announce a merger with N2 Biomedical, a Bedford, MA-based company.
3D Systems announced two additions to its industry-leading materials portfolio – Certified Scalmalloy (A) and Certified M789 (A) – to facilitate demanding industrial high-strength, corrosion-resistant parts for additive applications in markets such as aerospace, motorsports & automotive, semiconductor, energy, and moldmaking.
Spectrum Plastics Group, a global solutions provider for development through scaled manufacturing of critical polymer-based components and devices for medical and other demanding markets, is excited to announce a significant renovation and cleanroom expansion project at its Minneapolis, MN facility.
The study, carried out by a team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter (Beijing), looked at the interactions of water molecules with various graphene-covered surfaces.
MIT researchers have developed the first molecular clock on a chip, which uses the constant, measurable rotation of molecules — when exposed to a certain frequency of electromagnetic radiation — to keep time. The chip could one day significantly improve the accuracy and performance of navigation on smartphones and other consumer devices.
Neutrinos, Italian for “little neutral ones,” are often described as “ghost particles,” for their extremely weak interactions with ordinary matter. Indeed, billions of neutrinos stream through our fingernails every second, without ruffling so much as a molecule of matter. And yet, on Sept. 22, 2017, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, based at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, detected a neutrino in signals picked up by its detectors buried deep in the Antarctic ice. Researchers there quickly sent out alerts to ground- and space-based telescopes in hopes of finding the neutrino’s cosmic source.
X-Ray Experiment – Over the last decade, scientists have used supercomputers and advanced simulation software to predict hundreds of new materials with exciting properties for next-generation energy technologies. Now they need to figure out how to make them. To predict the best recipe for making a material, they first need a better understanding of how it forms, including all the intermediate phases it goes through along the way – some of which may be useful in their own right.
Using light for next generation data storage technology Tiny, nano-sized crystals of salt encoded with data using...
Carbon nanotubes will replace copper wire in cars and planes to reduce weight and improve fuel efficiency. Carbon will filter our water and tell us more about our lives and bodies through new biometric sensors.
By developing nanoparticle “backpacks” that hold immune-stimulating drugs, and attaching them directly to T cells, the MIT engineers showed in a study of mice that they could enhance those T cells’ activity without harmful side effects. In more than half of the treated animals, tumors disappeared completely.
Generating electrical power from waste heat New Sandia solid-state silicon device may one day power space missions...
Scientists discovered the phenomenon 30 years ago, but the mechanism for superconductivity remains an enigma because the majority of materials are too complex to understand QPT physics in details. A good strategy would be first to look at less complicated model systems.