Nanomachine Robot Goes To Battle With Tuberculosis

Nanomachine Robot Goes To Battle With Tuberculosis

The Brock team’s latest technology builds on an earlier version of the microscopic robot — called the three-dimensional DNA nanomachine — they created in 2016 to detect diseases in a blood sample within 30 minutes.

New Modbus Flow Totalizer for Hazardous Applications

New Modbus Flow Totalizer for Hazardous Applications

SignalFire Wireless Telemetry introduces the ModQ Sentry, a Modbus Flow Totalizer that interfaces with pulse-type inductive turbine (and other) flow meters to provide instantaneous flow rates, accumulated totals and status information. Units are configurable for volume and time settings and offer options to configure the K factor to match the turbine.

Injection Molding Medical Capability Investment by Graham Partners

Injection Molding Medical Capability Investment by Graham Partners

Private equity firm Graham Partners has entered injection molded medical goods with an investment in Medbio LLC of Grand Rapids, Mich. Graham Partners acquired a majority interest in Medbio, effective July 18 for undisclosed terms, according to Graham managing principal Joe Heinmiller.

Artificial Embryo Created From Stem Cells Achieves Gastrulation

Artificial Embryo Created From Stem Cells Achieves Gastrulation

The creation of artificial embryos has moved a step forward after an international team of researchers used mouse stem cells to produce artificial embryo-like structures capable of ‘gastrulation’, a key step in the life of any embryo.

New Semiconductor Material Improves Chip Performance & Energy Efficiency

New Semiconductor Material Improves Chip Performance & Energy Efficiency

The heat is off: UCLA engineers develop world’s most efficient semiconductor material for thermal management New semiconductor material draws heat away from hotspots much faster than current materials, which could lead to dramatic improvements in computer chip...

NASA’s Telescope Sunshield Layers Inspected in Aerospace Cleanroom

NASA’s Telescope Sunshield Layers Inspected in Aerospace Cleanroom

Technicians and engineers working to ensure the soundness of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) manually lower its folded sunshield layers for easier access and inspection. After being lowered, engineers thoroughly inspect all five layers of the reflective silver-colored sunshield for any issues that may have occurred as a result of acoustic testing.

Relaxor Ferroelectrics Materials’ Mechanical & Electrical Properties Excite Researchers

Relaxor Ferroelectrics Materials’ Mechanical & Electrical Properties Excite Researchers

Relaxor ferroelectrics, which are often lead-based. These materials have mechanical and electrical properties that are useful in applications such as sonar and ultrasound. The more scientists understand about the internal structure of relaxor ferroelectrics, the better materials we can develop for these and other applications.

Drug-Filled Nanocarriers United With Immune Cells

Drug-Filled Nanocarriers United With Immune Cells

Scientists at the Mainz University Medical Center and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) have developed a new method to enable miniature drug-filled nanocarriers to dock on to immune cells, which in turn attack tumors.

Inside the Cleanroom of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Inside the Cleanroom of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope will observe primarily the infrared light from faint and very distant objects. In order to be able to detect those faint heat signals, the telescope itself must be kept extremely cold. To protect the telescope from external sources of light and heat (like the Sun, Earth, and Moon) as well as from heat emitted by the observatory itself

Prosthetic Heart Valves Design Inspired by Dragonfly Larvae

Prosthetic Heart Valves Design Inspired by Dragonfly Larvae

The dragonfly larva is the only insect that uses jet propulsion to move and the only arthropod known to use reciprocal jetting—inhaling and exhaling through the same orifice—for underwater breathing,” says Roh, the lead author of a paper on the larval jets that was published online by the journal Bioinspiration & Biomimeticson May 30.

Polymers That Are Controlled By Light Can Switch Between Sturdy & Soft

Polymers That Are Controlled By Light Can Switch Between Sturdy & Soft

MIT researchers have designed a polymer material that can change its structure in response to light, converting from a rigid substance to a softer one that can heal itself when damaged.

Moderna Opens Manufacturing Facility for mRNA Therapeutics

Moderna Opens Manufacturing Facility for mRNA Therapeutics

the manufacturing facility was designed to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. Moderna is limiting energy use with advanced energy metering, LED lighting, and systems designed to reduce water usage by up to 25%.

Cleanroom News