Mobile 3D NAND Flash Memory for Smartphones

Mobile 3D NAND Flash Memory for Smartphones

The new mobile 3D NAND flash products pack more storage cells into a smaller die area, and by utilizing Micron’s CMOS under Array (CuA), they deliver a best-in-class die size. Micron’s unique approach places all the flash memory layers on top of the logic array, maximizing the use of space in the smartphone design.

Lurie Nanofabrication Facility

Lurie Nanofabrication Facility

The Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF) at the University of Michigan is a state-of- the-art shared facility with 13,500 sq. ft of clean room space and provides advanced micro- and nano-fabrication equipment and expertise to internal and external researchers. The Lurie Nanofabrication Facility supports and enables cutting edge research, from semiconductor materials and devices, electronic circuits, solid-state lighting, energy, biotechnology, medical devices and unconventional materials and processing technologies.