Rebar Graphene Material Proves To Be Twice As Tough

Rebar Graphene Material Proves To Be Twice As Tough

In a new study in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano, Rice materials scientist Jun Lou, graduate student and lead author Emily Hacopian and collaborators, including Tour, stress-tested rebar graphene and found that nanotube rebar diverted and bridged cracks that would otherwise propagate in unreinforced graphene.

Minimalist Biostructures Designed to Create Nanomaterials

Minimalist Biostructures Designed to Create Nanomaterials

Researchers of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB-UAB) have achieved to generate 4 peptides -molecules smaller than proteins – capable of self-assembling in a controlled manner to create nanomaterials. The research, published in the journal ACS Nano, was conducted by Salvador Ventura, Marta Díaz and Susanna Navarro (IBB-UAB), and included the collaboration of Isabel Fuentes and Francesc Teixidor (Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC).

Nano Decorations Remove Water Contaminants

Nano Decorations Remove Water Contaminants

A Recent Study Shows how Grains of Sediment and Nano Decorations Capture & Release Impurities in Water. When bacteria and viruses get into well water and make people sick, often the contamination comes after heavy rain or flooding. In 2000, more than 2,300 people in Walkerton, Ontario, got sick when, after unusually heavy rains. E. coli bacteria found their way to drinking water wells. Seven people died.