Rebar Graphene Material Proves To Be Twice As Tough

Rebar Graphene Material Proves To Be Twice As Tough

In a new study in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano, Rice materials scientist Jun Lou, graduate student and lead author Emily Hacopian and collaborators, including Tour, stress-tested rebar graphene and found that nanotube rebar diverted and bridged cracks that would otherwise propagate in unreinforced graphene.

Atomic-Scale Manufacturing Technology

Atomic-Scale Manufacturing Technology

Atomic-scale manufacturing revolutionizes the future of electronics production. The University of Alberta Scientists have innovated an atomic-scale manufacturing process, setting a standard for mass production of electronics that are faster, smaller and consume less energy than the electronics of today. The implications of this new atomic-scale manufacturing capability are enormous. In the future, we will see mobile phones that can go months without a charge and computers that are faster (100X) but use 1/1000th of the power currently used for device operation.