NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Begins Launch Preparations

NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Begins Launch Preparations

Designed and built by Lockheed Martin for NASA, Lucy will give humankind its first ever close-up look at Jupiter’s elusive Trojan asteroids. These celestial objects are important because scientists believe they could hold clues about how our solar system and the planets formed.

Galileo Satellite Navigation System Satellites Arrival

Galileo Satellite Navigation System Satellites Arrival

Galileo Satellite Navigation System Satellites have arrived at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, ahead of their planned launch from the jungle space base in July. But Galileo satellites will continue to be launched into the future: a further 12 Galileo ‘Batch 3’ satellites were ordered last June, supplementing the 26 built so far to provide further in-orbit spares, and replacements for the oldest Galileo satellites, first launched in 2011.