Nanotechnology News
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Rebar Graphene Material Proves To Be Twice As Tough
In a new study in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano, Rice materials scientist Jun Lou, graduate student and lead author Emily Hacopian and collaborators, including Tour, stress-tested rebar graphene and found that nanotube rebar diverted and bridged cracks that would otherwise propagate in unreinforced graphene.
BiCS Flash fab Development kickoff by Toshiba
Demand for 3D flash memory is increasing significantly on fast growing demand for enterprise servers, datacenters and smartphones. Toshiba memory expects continued strong growth in the mid and long term. The new facility will make a major contribution to business competitiveness in corporation with Yokkaichi operations.
New Semiconductor Fab Prepares SK Hynix for Increasing Memory Demand
SK hynix has grown into one of the leading chipmakers in the world through continuous effort to secure a fundamental competitive edge in the fierce semiconductor industry. With the emergence of new entrants and the consolidation of incumbent players, the competition and technological barriers are continuously heightening in the market.
New Biosensors For Implantable Sensing
Biosensors are devices that can detect biological molecules in air, water, or blood. They are widely used in drug development, medical diagnostics, and biological research. The growing need for continuous, real-time monitoring of biomarkers in diseases like diabetes is currently driving efforts to develop efficient and portable biosensor devices.
Nanowires Increase The Accuracy of Measuring Devices
Scientists from Higher school of economics and the Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ have synthesized multi-layered nanowires in order to study their magnetoresistance properties.
Nanomachine Robot Goes To Battle With Tuberculosis
The Brock team’s latest technology builds on an earlier version of the microscopic robot — called the three-dimensional DNA nanomachine — they created in 2016 to detect diseases in a blood sample within 30 minutes.
New Semiconductor Material Improves Chip Performance & Energy Efficiency
The heat is off: UCLA engineers develop world’s most efficient semiconductor material for thermal management New semiconductor material draws heat away from hotspots much faster than current materials, which could lead to dramatic improvements in computer chip...
Relaxor Ferroelectrics Materials’ Mechanical & Electrical Properties Excite Researchers
Relaxor ferroelectrics, which are often lead-based. These materials have mechanical and electrical properties that are useful in applications such as sonar and ultrasound. The more scientists understand about the internal structure of relaxor ferroelectrics, the better materials we can develop for these and other applications.
Drug-Filled Nanocarriers United With Immune Cells
Scientists at the Mainz University Medical Center and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) have developed a new method to enable miniature drug-filled nanocarriers to dock on to immune cells, which in turn attack tumors.
Polymers That Are Controlled By Light Can Switch Between Sturdy & Soft
MIT researchers have designed a polymer material that can change its structure in response to light, converting from a rigid substance to a softer one that can heal itself when damaged.
Ancient Biocrust’s Microorganisms Helped Seas With Nitrogen
Like our oceans, today’s continents are brimming with life. Yet billions of years ago, before the advent of plants, continents would have appeared barren. These apparently vacant land forms were believed to play no role in the early biochemical clockwork known as the nitrogen cycle, which most living things depend on for survival. Researchers discover ancient biocrusts played an important role in the nitrogen cycle.
Gold Nanoparticles Could Improve Solar Energy Storage
gold nanoparticles, coated with a semiconductor, can produce hydrogen from water over four times more efficiently than other methods – opening the door to improved storage of solar energy and other advances that could boost renewable energy use and combat climate change, according to Rutgers University–New Brunswick researchers.
Nanotechnology News
Nanotechnology News and Advancements
The Nanotechnology Cleanroom Industry supports the environmental cleanroom and controlled environmental systems for the nanotech, nanotechnology and nanoscience industries. The nanotechnology industry is the study of and manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Cleanroom Connect provides the latest Nanotechnology News from various nanotech research and development labs and nanotechnology organizations. Subscribe today to receive nanotechnology news and updates directly to your mailbox.