Sidco Filter Announces Acquisition of Roome Technologies

Sidco Filter Company recently acquired Roome Technologies a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency filters for the medical, cleanroom, aerospace and in-room air purifier industries.

Sartorius grows operations in France and is investing 100 million euros by 2025

Sartorius will expand its capacities for production, innovation, and storage at its French facilities in Aubagne, Cergy and Lourdes in order to meet the strong demand of the biopharmaceutical industry

Ohio Governor and Anchor Institutions Provide Progress Update on Cleveland Innovation District’s Pathogen Center

The Global Pathogen Center for Pathogen Research and Human Health to broaden understanding of emerging pathogens – ranging from Zika virus to SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19) – and to expedite critically needed treatments and vaccines.

Amkor Technology Announces Cleanroom Facility Development in Vietnam

Amkor Technology, Inc. today announced that it plans to build a state-of-the-art smart factory in Bac Ninh, Vietnam. The first phase of the new factory will focus on providing Advanced System in Package (SiP) assembly and test solutions to the world’s leading semiconductor and electronic manufacturing companies.

Global Nanobubbles (Ultrafine Bubbles) Market to 2030 with Focus on the Japanese Market

Global Nanobubbles (Ultrafine Bubbles) Market to 2030 with Focus on the Japanese Market

Nanobubbles or ultrafine bubbles are sub-micron (~50nm to ~700nm) gas-containing cavities in aqueous solution with unique physical characteristics that differ from other types of bubbles, and have the ability to change the normal characteristics of water. Nanobubbles can exist on surfaces (surface or interfacial NBs) and as dispersed in a liquid phase (bulk NBs). Their use can contribute greatly to sustainability challenges as environmentally friendly alternative and solutions.

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Honda Aircraft Company Opens New Wing Production Facility

Honda Aircraft Company Opens New Wing Production Facility

Honda Aircraft Company announced today that it has begun operations at its newly opened Wing Production and Service Parts Facility, located at the company’s world headquarters at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, N.C. The new 83,100 square-foot facility is the latest addition to the 133-acre Honda Aircraft Company campus, and represents an additional investment of $24.3 million, bringing the total capital investment in its North Carolina facilities to more than $245 million.

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Cinotop & Micron presents “Touch Everywhere” at The International Consumer Electronics Show

Cinotop & Micron presents “Touch Everywhere” at The International Consumer Electronics Show

The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) will be held online due to the corona crisis and will run January 11-14 this year. For the first time, CES will take place online this year. It has always been the leading trade fair for global consumer electronics, with exhibits ranging from small chips to large airplanes and yachts. The fair covers almost all consumer electronics products and the world’s largest companies typically present their latest products and show their latest technologies here.

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AirBox Air Purifier Scientifically Proven to Remove >99.99% of Airborne Pathogens, Including MS2 Bacteriophage, a SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) Representative Virus

AirBox Air Purifier Scientifically Proven to Remove >99.99% of Airborne Pathogens, Including MS2 Bacteriophage, a SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) Representative Virus

At a time when a clean and safe air environment is of paramount importance for school systems and businesses, certified HEPA AirBox Air Purifier Peak Series-S has been scientifically proven by independent lab testing company Microchem Laboratory to filter 99.99% of MS2 Bacteriophage, a SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) representative virus, and three other common pathogens in just 25 minutes, achieving a 4 log reduction of particulates.

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