Nanofluidic Computing Logic Simulated by NIST Researchers

Nanofluidic Computing Logic Simulated by NIST Researchers

Invigorating the idea of computers based on fluids instead of silicon, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have shown how computational logic operations could be performed in a liquid medium by simulating the trapping of ions (charged atoms) in graphene (a sheet of carbon atoms) floating in saline solution. The scheme might also be used in applications such as water filtration, energy storage or sensor technology.

Algae Outbreaks Increased by Nanomaterials

Algae Outbreaks Increased by Nanomaterials

The last 10 years have seen a surge in the use of tiny substances called nanomaterials in agrochemicals like pesticides and fungicides. The idea is to provide more disease protection and better yields for crops, while decreasing the amount of toxins sprayed on agricultural fields.

Minimalist Biostructures Designed to Create Nanomaterials

Minimalist Biostructures Designed to Create Nanomaterials

Researchers of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB-UAB) have achieved to generate 4 peptides -molecules smaller than proteins – capable of self-assembling in a controlled manner to create nanomaterials. The research, published in the journal ACS Nano, was conducted by Salvador Ventura, Marta Díaz and Susanna Navarro (IBB-UAB), and included the collaboration of Isabel Fuentes and Francesc Teixidor (Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC).

Nanoscale Structures Stronger than Steel

Nanoscale Structures Stronger than Steel

While the field of materials science has been making big strides in recent years, scientists are still behind nature when it comes to making super-strong materials. Lately, researchers have been focusing on the strength of nanoscale structures of natural materials with the expectations that it will lead to the creation of strong macro-scale structures. The nanoscale structures’ composition of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) has provided a significant amount of inspiration for these research efforts. However, inadequate adhesion and un-aligned pieces have kept scientists from realizing the potential of cellulose-inspired materials.