NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Begins Launch Preparations

NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft Begins Launch Preparations

Designed and built by Lockheed Martin for NASA, Lucy will give humankind its first ever close-up look at Jupiter’s elusive Trojan asteroids. These celestial objects are important because scientists believe they could hold clues about how our solar system and the planets formed.

ExoMars 2020 Rover Undergoes Cleaning in Ultra-Cleanroom Environment

ExoMars 2020 Rover Undergoes Cleaning in Ultra-Cleanroom Environment

ExoMars 2020 rover being pre-cleaned in an ultra-cleanroom environment in preparation for its sterilisation process, in an effort to prevent terrestrial microbes coming along for the ride to the red planet. Part of the Agency’s Life, Physical Sciences and Life Support Laboratory based in its Netherlands technical centre, This 35 sq. m ‘ISO Class 1’ cleanroom is one of the cleanest places in Europe.