Nanotechnology News

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Gene Editing Therapy Made Safer With New CRISPR Technique

Gene Editing Therapy Made Safer With New CRISPR Technique

Scientists from The University of Texas at Austin took an important step toward safer gene editing cures for life-threatening disorders, from cancer to HIV to Huntington’s disease, by developing a technique that can spot editing mistakes a popular tool known as CRISPR makes to an individual’s genome. The research appears today in the journal Cell.

Immune Cells Boosted by Nanoparticles

Immune Cells Boosted by Nanoparticles

By developing nanoparticle “backpacks” that hold immune-stimulating drugs, and attaching them directly to T cells, the MIT engineers showed in a study of mice that they could enhance those T cells’ activity without harmful side effects. In more than half of the treated animals, tumors disappeared completely.

Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam

Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam

An electron beam with sub-atomic precision, allowing scientists to directly see each atom in two-dimensional materials like graphene, and also to target single atoms with the beam. Each electron has a tiny chance of scattering back from a nucleus, giving it a kick in the opposite direction.

Neural Network Recognizes Molecular Handwriting

Neural Network Recognizes Molecular Handwriting

Researchers at Caltech have developed an artificial neural network made out of DNA that can solve a classic machine learning problem: correctly identifying handwritten numbers. The work is a significant step in demonstrating the capacity to program artificial intelligence into synthetic biomolecular circuits.

Indium Oxide Nanocrystals Comprise New UV Narrow-Band Photodetector

Indium Oxide Nanocrystals Comprise New UV Narrow-Band Photodetector

Semiconductor quantum dots (nanocrystals just a few nanometers in size) have attracted researchers’ attention due to the size dependent effects that determine their novel electrical and optical properties. By changing the size of such objects, it is possible to adjust the wavelength of the emission they absorb, thus implementing selective photodetectors, including those for UV radiation.

Nanotechnology News

Nanotechnology News and Advancements

Nanotechnology News

Nanotechnology News

The Nanotechnology Cleanroom Industry supports the environmental cleanroom and controlled environmental systems for the nanotech, nanotechnology and nanoscience industries. The nanotechnology industry is the study of and manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Cleanroom Connect provides the latest Nanotechnology News from various nanotech research and development labs and nanotechnology organizations. Subscribe today to receive nanotechnology news and updates directly to your mailbox.