ABSA – American Biological Safety Association

American Biological Safety Association
ABSA – American Biological Safety Association
ABSA International (ABSA) was founded in 1984 to promote biosafety as a scientific discipline and serve the growing needs of biosafety professionals throughout the world. The Association’s goals are to provide a professional association that represents the interests and needs of practitioners of biological safety, and to provide a forum for the continued and timely exchange of biosafety information.
The ABSA Association was founded to promote biosafety as a scientific discipline and serve the growing needs of biosafety professionals throughout the world.
About ABSA
Who We Are
ABSA International (ABSA) was founded in 1984 to promote biosafety as a scientific discipline and serve the growing needs of biosafety professionals throughout the world. Its goals are to provide a professional association that represents the interests and needs of practitioners of biological safety, and to provide a forum for the continued and timely exchange of biosafety information.
ABSA International accomplishes these goals by:
- publishing and distributing a quarterly journal, Applied Biosafety and a number of other biosafety publications,
- conducting an annual Biological Safety Conference to keep members informed of current biosafety issues and regulatory initiatives. The conference is preceded by a selection of biosafety courses geared at the beginner and advanced levels,
- producing an annual membership directory to stimulate networking.
Core Purpose
ABSA International is dedicated to promoting and expanding biological safety expertise.
Core Organizational Values
- Leadership for the profession
- Collaboration and community
- Promotion of biosafety as a scientific discipline
- Absolute integrity
- High standards of excellence
Ethics Statement
Members of ABSA International (ABSA) are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner as they practice their profession. ABSA members should:
- Maintain personal integrity and act responsibly to uphold the integrity of the profession.
- Avoid situations, and actively work to prevent occurrences presenting a conflict of interest or that will compromise professional judgement.
- Provide biological safety services only in areas of competence.
- Follow recognized biological safety guidelines and standards as set forth by established professional groups or local, state and federal governmental agencies, centers, or institutes, in performing work in biological safety.
- Provide information regarding potential risks to employee or environmental health and precautions needed to avoid adverse effects.
- Maintain confidentiality regarding services provided.